Tuesday, December 2, 2008


By far the most important amulet in ancient Egypt was the scarab, symbolically as sacred to the Egyptians as the cross is to Christians.Scarab dung beetles lay eggs in a pellet which they roll along and the Egyptians regarded this action as an image of the sun and its course through the heavens, rolled by a gigantic beetle. Scarabs are associated with the Egyptian god, Khepri. It was Khepri that pushed the sun across the sky. The scarab beetle became an ancient Egyptian symbol for rebirth, the ability to be reborn. Each day the sun disappeared, always to rise again and be reborn the following day.The god Khepri, which literally means "He who is Coming into Being", was a creator god and a solar deity. He was represented as a scarab or dung beetle, or as a man with a beetle head. The scarab beetle was observed to roll it's eggs in a ball of dung along the ground, and the ball was identified with the sun. The baby beetles were seen to emerge from the primeval mound and so dung beetles were thought capable of spontaneous creation.

They are available in the following :

AMETHYST = Medium to Dark Purple, Fair Detail.
BLACK ONYX = Velvety Black, Fair Detail.
BLUE ONYX = Medium to Dark Blue, Fair Detail.
GREEN ONYX = Medium to Dark Green, Fair Detail.
BLOODSTONE = Dark Green with Red to Bron Spots, Fair Detail.
CARNELIAN = Medium to Dark Brownish Orange, Fair Detail.
CLEAR CRYSTAL = Clear Crystal, Fair Detail.
FROSTED CRYSTAL = Frosted Crystal, Fair Detail.
GREEN AVENTURINE = Translucent to Opaque Green, Fair Detail.
RED JASPER = Medium Dark Orange to Reddish Brown, Fair Detail.
RHODONITE = Pink or Red Rose Color, may contain Black Veining, Fair Detail.
ROSE QUARTZ = Pink with Light Tone, Fair Detail.
TIGER'S EYE = Medium-Dark Golden Brown, Fair Detail.
TURQUOISE = Medium greenish Blue, Reconstructed, may contain Black Veining, fair Detail.